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Legend (UrbanAtlas/UA_UrbanAtlasChange_2012_2018)

Greater City Boundary (0)
City Boundary (1)
Land Use vector (2)
11100: Continuous Urban fabric (S.L. > 80%) 11100: Continuous Urban fabric (S.L. > 80%)
11210: Discontinuous Dense Urban Fabric (S.L.: 50% - 80%) 11210: Discontinuous Dense Urban Fabric (S.L.: 50% - 80%)
11220: Discontinuous Medium Density Urban Fabric (S.L.: 30% - 50%) 11220: Discontinuous Medium Density Urban Fabric (S.L.: 30% - 50%)
11230: Discontinuous Low Density Urban Fabric (S.L.: 10% - 30%) 11230: Discontinuous Low Density Urban Fabric (S.L.: 10% - 30%)
11240: Discontinuous very low density urban fabric (S.L. < 10%) 11240: Discontinuous very low density urban fabric (S.L. < 10%)
11300: Isolated Structures 11300: Isolated Structures
12100: Industrial, commercial, public, military and private units 12100: Industrial, commercial, public, military and private units
12210: Fast transit roads and associated land 12210: Fast transit roads and associated land
12220: Other roads and associated land 12220: Other roads and associated land
12230: Railways and associated land 12230: Railways and associated land
12300: Port areas 12300: Port areas
12400: Airports 12400: Airports
13100: Mineral extraction and dump sites 13100: Mineral extraction and dump sites
13300: Construction sites 13300: Construction sites
13400: Land without current use 13400: Land without current use
14100: Green urban areas 14100: Green urban areas
14200: Sports and leisure facilities 14200: Sports and leisure facilities
21000: Arable land (annual crops) 21000: Arable land (annual crops)
22000: Permanent crops 22000: Permanent crops
23000: Pastures 23000: Pastures
24000: Complex and mixed cultivation patterns 24000: Complex and mixed cultivation patterns
25000: Orchards 25000: Orchards
31000: Forests 31000: Forests
32000: Herbaceous vegetation associations 32000: Herbaceous vegetation associations
33000: Open spaces with little or no vegetations 33000: Open spaces with little or no vegetations
40000: Wetlands 40000: Wetlands
50000: Water 50000: Water
Greater_City_Boundary (3)
City_Boundary (4)