{ "culture": "en-GB", "name": "VHR_2018_LAEA", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "A seamless mosaic of the VHR2018 dataset, based on watershed segmentation of image overlaps. The input data consists of a mix of Pleiades, SPOT, DOVE, Kompsat-4, Deimos-2, SuperView, and TripleSat images.\n\nThe input imagery has been colour balanced against the Sentinel-2 based HR mosaic from 2018. Colour balancing is done through iterative histogram matching, where the first iteration is used to identify clouds and snow, and the second iteration re-balances, with the bright objects masked out.\n\nThe mosaic is useful for visualization and classification on land, as cloud cover has been minimized through an innovative approach to cloud masking, that relies on automatically identifying and de-prioritizing overly bright areas in the resulting mosaic. Some clouds and snow remain, as all pixels have to have a value, meaning that if no cloud or snow free images were available for a given area, the bright pixels will remain.", "description": "", "summary": "A seamless mosaic of the VHR2018 dataset, based on watershed segmentation of image overlaps. The input data consists of a mix of Pleiades, SPOT, DOVE, Kompsat-4, Deimos-2, SuperView, and TripleSat images.\n\nThe input imagery has been colour balanced against the Sentinel-2 based HR mosaic from 2018. Colour balancing is done through iterative histogram matching, where the first iteration is used to identify clouds and snow, and the second iteration re-balances, with the bright objects masked out.\n\nThe mosaic is useful for visualization and classification on land, as cloud cover has been minimized through an innovative approach to cloud masking, that relies on automatically identifying and de-prioritizing overly bright areas in the resulting mosaic. Some clouds and snow remain, as all pixels have to have a value, meaning that if no cloud or snow free images were available for a given area, the bright pixels will remain.", "title": "VHR_2018_LAEA", "tags": [ "Very High Resolution Image", "Land", "HRIM", "Mosaic Dataset", "VHR", "Optical", "cloud-free", "2018", "EEA39", "Pan-European", "2m", "True Colour Image", "seamless mosaic", "Copernicus" ], "type": "Image Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Image Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "https://yak-copernicus.eea.dmz1:6443/arcgis", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }